What is Dark Web ? Hidden Internet .

Dark Web is a Hidden Internet which consists of Content and Website which we can't access using Normal Search Engines like Google , Yahoo , Bing and many other. It is the Part of Deep Web which is also the encrypted Web of Websites , which don't exist on Surface Web. 

Dark Web Provides privacy and freedom to express our thoughts on Internet without any fear of get Tracked by Government. It can easily accessible using TOR browser (Onion router) ,Many dark web sites simply provide standard web services with more secrecy, which benefits political dissidents and people trying to keep medical conditions private. Unfortunately, online marketplaces for drugs, exchanges for stolen data, and other illegal activities get most of the attention. 

If we look on Statistics then the Internet which we are surfing on  daily basis is called Surface web which is only  4% of the total Internet., while the Remaining Part is under Deep and Dark Web combined. 

                                    Advantage of Dark Web

Dark Web provides privacy which sometimes fails on Surface Web by getting Stalked from Government. The increasing tendency of potential employers to track posts on social media can also make it difficult to engage in honest discussions publicly. Finally, the popularity of the dark web with criminals makes it a perfect way for undercover police officers to communicate.

                                              Disadvantage of Dark Web

Dark Web is the home of many illegal activities like drug trafficking , child abuse, Child pornography and many more.  Dark WEB ensures the security to it's user. But it can also used to violate the privacy of Person. Private photos, medical records, and financial information have all been stolen and shared on the dark web. 

                                                  Some Facts about Dark Web

  • Dark Web activity has increased by 300% in the last 3 years.
  • Over 30% of North American  Access Dark Web regularly.
  • The Bitcoin transaction on Dark Web has jumped by 65% in FY 2019.

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