Top 10 AMAZING Websites on Internet.


Website is like the cell of this Giant Internet, some websites are very attractive and some are useful. But Some Websites on the Internet are very Mysterious and Mind-blowing. So here we have Top 10 Mysterious Websites on the Internet.

                                                 1)  Zoomquilt

Zoomquilt website is a site with an infinitely  Zooming image which has no end and it is quite amazing to see this. 

                                                2) FlightRadar 24

This website shows the real-time location of Aero Planes all around the world. It also shows the destination and route from which it moving right now. 

                                            3) Scale of the Universe

This Website shows the scale of the Universe from the smallest body or thing in Universe to the Largest or Biggest Thing in this Observable Universe. 

                                                    4) ALGORTHMIA

Sometimes Black & White Photos have their own words, but in this colorful World, we have this Website that uses Artificial Intelligence to fill the color in the Photos. 

                                                    5) Pointer Pointer

This is a type of which is mind-blowing, so if you drag the pointer of your mouse on the screen then the Random Photo appears on screen with finger-pointing towards where you keep the pointer.  

                                                    6) Essay typer

This Website may helpful for those who want to write an essay without doing any research or just by typing anything on Keyboard.

                                                    7) OutriderBomb Blast

This website will tell you what happens if a Nuclear bomb will drop on the location which you selected and how much destruction it will do.

                                                    8) Cleverbot

This website provides a bot which you can use to talk to , This is also amazing you can check out this website.

                                                    9) Internet Map

If you wanted to see the image of Internet then it could be the last destination for you , with every Website on the Internet will represents a Bubble whose size show it's Popularity. High Popularity means Big size.

                                  10)Your'e getting Old

This Website will blow  your mind by giving some amazing facts by taking your Date of Birth as Input . You just checkout this Website to say OMG. 

                                                        Thank you to Read this Blog

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